Get linkedin contacts from any company without any software for free (and forever free)

You want to know which person you should contact first in a specific company, without any software just by using your linkedin account ? Well that’s exactly the purpose of this article, with a completely free and forever free solution.



If you want to know the people that are working in a company, and which one of them is the right contact to you, know that this is exactly my same need.

Before starting

Well, I assume that you are :

  • connected to your linkedin account
  • aware of which company you’re interested in
  • using a desktop browser (for this article, it will be Mozilla Firefox)

The way to do it

Let’s suppose you want to work at supabase (which must be so cool!). Any supabase keyword should by now be replaced with your company name on linkedin.

Open linkedin company URL

Go first is at and scroll down until the end of the page.
There could be a Show more button at the bottom of the page, just click on it and keep scrolling down until the end.

Note that this scrolling step is really important to gather as maximum contacts as you can.

Open console terminal

Click on F12 or do CTRL+SHIFT+M. It will open your console on the right, like this: console

The code for the magic

Just paste the following code in the open console, and you will have a json downloaded right into your device storage.

jsonData = Array.from(document.querySelector('.scaffold-finite-scroll__content ul').querySelectorAll("li.grid")).map((e, i) => {
	return {
		url: e.querySelector("a[data-test-app-aware-link]") ? e.querySelector("a[data-test-app-aware-link]").href.split('?')[0] : null,
		name: e.querySelector(".artdeco-entity-lockup__title.ember-view").textContent.trim(),
		role:  e.querySelector(".artdeco-entity-lockup__subtitle.ember-view").textContent.trim(),
		photo: e.querySelector("img.evi-image.lazy-image.ember-view:not(.ghost-default)").src,
		rownumber: i+1,
		details: e.querySelector("").textContent.trim(),
		button: e.querySelector("button") ? e.querySelector("button").textContent.trim() : null


blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 2)], { type: "application/json" });
link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = "linkedin_data.json";;

Few explanations

  • Scrolling will make all the data visible on the screen
  • Mapping over the whole list will give you the details of each contact :
    • the linkedin profile URL (with no additional parameters) ;
    • the whole name, role and any public profile picture url
    • the row number (the smallest the closest to your network)
    • few details (like number of followers and common contacts)
    • button : whether it’s Follow or Connect
  • Creating a non-visible link and clicking on it with the code will force the JSON download


  • When it’s a huge company like Meta, you will struggle to get all the data because you will have to scroll over and over again. Moreover, I don’t think our desktop is able to scroll over 150k+ elements (memory would explode).
  • Some people chose to be unfound on linkedin, especially for those who are searching from a too far network. The person would appear with no button at all, no profile pic, no displayed name. It’s because of this setting.
  • Now that you have data… it’s now all about how you use them !