How to embed any image from google drive into your website with this always-working solution [2024]


Lately, Google made unexpected updates on embedding files from Google Drive. The images you embedded in your website are not working anymore ? This article will solve it in two possible ways, and I will explain them step by step.

How to embed any image from google drive into your website

Note that both methods work on March 2024.

What is google drive

Before we dive in, let’s have some context ! According to wikipedia :

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Launched on April 24, 2012, Google Drive allows users to store files in the cloud (on Google’s servers), synchronize files across devices, and share files.

The most amazing part of it ? It’s totally free up to 15Gb !
You can store as many files as you want, no matter what the file format is : pdf, excel, video, audio, … or images. You got it, we will focus on images in this article.

What is embedding

Embedding means displaying a ressource from a website into another website. Both websites can be hosted on the same domain, or on different ones. The embedded content can be :

  • any media : image, video, audio, …
  • any html code block thanks to iframes : tweets, instagram posts, youtube video, …

Image reference

For the rest of the article, I will use this publicly shared image from my google drive to show up the final results of each method.
Note that the access URL contains 1IIIq6BgH2y9l4GdkVQ-ApTo7dZm4bzVW. This value is the file ID from google drive, aka FILEID. Go get yours in order to test both methods of this article later on.

Old ways to embed that don’t work anymore in 2024


    Failed to embed image here

    Failed to embed image here

    Failed to embed image here

User content

    Failed to embed image here


    Failed to embed image here

1. First solution : thumbnail link

Use this link and replace FILEID with the right value of yours :


The image source down below is First embed solution result


  • Thumbnail is a workaround to retrieve the image
  • sz=s4000 sets the max size of the retrieved image. If this parameter is too low, it will give a smaller version of your original image. You can actually change 4000 to 8000, 12000, 16000, …


  • It looks like previous embedding solutions
  • It’s a client-side solution
  • It’s easy to implement / maintain


2. Second solution : via google appscript


Step by step solution

On google appscript (server)

Go to

Click add New Project.

In the script editor, click Untitled project.

Give your project a name and click Rename.

Copy the following code in file, then save your project :

Pick the localTest function and click on Execute.
local test function to be executed first

It will ask for required authorizations as follows. Just click on Authorize :
Authorization required

Click on the Advanced link at the bottom left corner.
"app isn't verified" alert to be skipped

Just click on Go to your_project_name, then authorize everything.
Go to your project
You will afterwards receive a mail that warns you about it, but no worries, it’s your own script.

Back to the script : you will have the following log at the bottom of your screen. Everything worked fine ! Log details

Now, at the top right of the script project, click Deploy > New deployment.

Click on the “Select type” button, then choose > Web app.

Enter the following details about your web app : Deployment config

  • Description is whatever you want
  • Execute as should be Me
  • Who has access should be Anyone

Click on Deploy. It will display your Deployment ID for the next step.

In your html file (client)

Adapt the following code according to your needs :

And voilà !


  • It works with any image extension
  • It actually works with any file if you know how to handle file formats on client-side (not images only)
  • There is no need to make your image shareable, as long as it’s yours your script will always have access to it


  • It’s a many-steps solution
  • It’s a server AND client sides solution, hence probably more difficult to maintain

From now on, your website that used to embed google drive images should be back working !